6 Ways to stay warm while camping

6 ways to stay warm when camping

Going camping and sleeping outdoors can be a unique experience that we should all enjoy at some time in our lives, since unlike a hotel, in a campsite we can enjoy direct contact with nature due to the privileged location of the that most of them enjoy, both in mountains and dreamy beaches.

However, it is very important to be prepared properly, so that the stay is as pleasant as possible, because if sometimes we already suffer from insomnia in our own bed, in the open and in another environment, the problem can be aggravated. 

Therefore, we must take into account certain aspects such as not being cold at night, before embarking on the adventure.

If you want to know how to heat your tent and sleep as comfortable as possible, keep reading and take note of some of the keys that we give you to achieve it.
Following are some ways TO NOT GET COLD WHEN YOU GO CAMPING
The first and most important thing is to have a good tent to isolate ourselves from the cold, we recommend one of four seasons that are prepared to withstand low temperatures.

1. Sleeping Bag
It is essential to have a good sleeping bag , it would be ideal if it provides comfort between 10 and 15 degrees more than the temperatures to which we will be exposed while camping.

You can also help by heating the sleeping bag before going to sleep, you can do it by putting a blanket inside that covers it completely or by inserting a hot water bottle under the feet. 

I put it in a sock to avoid burning myself with it, since it is a metal canteen that I use to boil water directly. This trick can help you keep the bag warm for up to 7 or 8 hours depending on the bag and the type of canteen.

2. Use thermal or synthetic clothing, it will be perfect to warm ourselves and sleep warm when exposed to cold temperatures. 

Pay special attention to the feet and hands, as they are the most sensitive parts of the body to cold, so wrap them well and the heat will be better kept throughout your body. And never go to sleep while wet, this will cause you to feel the cold even more.

3. Location
It is also important to choose a good place to camp and protect the tent from the wind and rain, as this can greatly affect the drop in our thermal temperature.

You should not forget to raise your body temperature, you can do it by having a hot drink or soup before going to bed, and this will help your body maintain a good temperature at night.

4. Surfaces

Use a mat or mattress, this will insulate you more from the cold surface temperatures so you can sleep warmer. Also insulate the floor of the tent by putting a tarp or pile dry branches and leaves under it so you don't feel the cold on the surface. If you are very cold or are going to camp in a place with extreme temperatures, you can consider purchasing a heater, this is a luxury item for camping but it will help you a lot to warm up when it seems impossible.

5. Excercise 

Before going to sleep, you can do some exercise such as squats, this will help reduce the feeling of cold. Last but not least, stay well hydrated, as this helps the body to be in a better state to combat cold temperatures. 

6. Stay Hydrated

Drink water frequently and urinate before going to bed, this is important because by emptying the bladder the body burns less energy to keep us warm.
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