Optimal storage of food during camping trip

For many, camping is synonymous with evening barbecues, marshmallows over the fire and morning coffee from the camp stove.

But while all of these things make camping a pleasure, they can just as quickly become a nuisance if they become bait for animals and insects. Proper food storage is important not only so that it doesn't attract scavengers, but also so that you don't open your food containers in the great outdoors and find that the food has spoiled.

Here are some precautionary tips to keep animals from feasting on your food and waste:

Not in excess

Don't overdo it when packing food for your trip. Take only what is actually eaten and use as little packaging waste as possible. The latter is important for the environment, of course. Try to avoid disposable cutlery and plates that you'll have to dispose of, and prepare or cook your food in advance whenever possible.

Low odor cooking

If you are in areas where there are many carnivorous wild animals, stick to low-odor foods such as rice, beans, and vegetables. Cooking meat creates odors that attract animals from far away, making your camp a meeting place for scavengers, mice, insects and, depending on the area, larger and more dangerous animals.

Odor proof pockets

No matter how hard you try, trash made from food scraps is almost unavoidable. It doesn't take long for it to start smelling and turn into a paradise for wild garbage hunters.

The solution is odor-proof bags. Odor-proof zip bags are unfortunately also not sustainable, but often necessary to transport your residual waste in nature to the next station odor-proof.

Keep distance

Trash should always be kept outside the tent at a certain distance until you move on. Should unwanted visitors come, such as mice eating through the bag or birds pecking holes in the bag, the distance will help avoid unpleasant surprises.

Wash out packaging

What always helps to minimize odor and trash chasers is to wash out packaging. At least if you collect the garbage before you can dispose of it appropriately and sorted.

We hope that we could help you a little bit with these tips and wish you many great pleasure experiences on your next trip!