6 "Feel-Good" Camping Items for this Summer

Are you one of those outdoor adventurers who can't do without a few comforts outdoors? Or are you just a bit more of a glamper than a camper?

This is not about any judgement or challenge, because everyone enjoys certain things that they simply cannot (or do not want to) live without.

Here at Outchair we are all experienced campers, but of course we still have some weaknesses, or rather preferences. In this blog we want to share them openly with you. So here's a list of all the things you (we) could probably do without, but which also make your (our) trip so much more enjoyable:

The camping cooker

In fact, in most cases a camping cooker isn't needed and you'd rather light a fire to prepare your meals, but having a camping cooker with you definitely has its advantages. When you wake up in the morning and take a look out of the tent, the fresh morning air flowing towards you, the smell of fresh coffee is just right, isn't it? And the icing on the cake would be to be able to comfortably enjoy freshly brewed coffee with the camping cooker on a heated outdoor seat.

Definitely not a necessity, but a luxury that gets the morning off to a particularly nice start in nature.

The hammock

A hammock is one of the most popular outdoor utensils. Because it offers a very flexible and quick way to relax or even sleep, no matter where you are. And it's usually much more comfortable than lying on the ground in a tent. We always like to take our small, lightweight hammock with us to put our feet up after a long day of hiking and enjoy the landscape while rocking.

A table and chairs

Camping chairs and a table are not absolutely necessary, but make eating and relaxing outside a lot more comfortable than always squatting on the ground. If storage space doesn't allow it, a must-have in any case are our outdoor seats, which offer us a cosy backrest even when sitting on the ground, and optionally even a warm bottom and back.

Solar cells and batteries

This is probably the ultimate professional camper article. If you are really an outdoor extreme lover and also spend a few days far away from civilisation, then there is no getting around the possibility of self-sufficient energy production these days. Solar panels are exactly the right solution for this. Whether on the roof of your car or on a free area on the ground, you can generate electricity with the power of the sun alone, which is stored in a battery. So you have energy for everything that is important. Above all, of course, for your smartphone in terms of navigation and important weather data, but also for luxury items such as the camping cooker.

First aid kit

We all agree: safety is important and it is always better to be prepared for anything. If you are not an extreme athlete, it is sufficient to pack a small first aid supply consisting of plasters, sun cream, gauze, disinfectant alcohol and mosquito repellent. The larger assortment would then also include muscle cream, blister plasters, anti-itch and perhaps aloe vera gel or after-sun products.

Mosquito net

It's not a must, of course, and nature is nature, but not only do mosquitoes keep you from a good night's sleep, the bites are also a nuisance in the days that follow. Not to mention potential infections. That's why a relatively new glamping item is a mosquito net. The variations are numerous: from simple nets to hang up to pop-up net tents to put inside.

What is your luxury item that must not be missing?